The directions instruct to use after cleansing your face, and massage gently avoiding the eye area. Rinsing after. It also says to use it 1-3 times a week. You really don't want to over exfoliate.
The texture is a thick cream with micro beads that do not dissolve.
At first I really liked this product, it was gentle but I felt like it was doing something, because of the beads. Then I went to wash it away and I felt like it leaves an oily film on my face. My face is combo, leaning towards oily, and I don't really want my face left with a residue after I wash it.
Now I use it but I'll cleanse again after to remove the film. I feel like it does a good job of exfoliating. I don't get red or irritated from it, which is common for me. My skin is very sensitive.
I would recommend this product if you have a drier complexion, and are looking for a little something extra to moisturize. If you're combo/oily like me, take a pass on this one.
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