Thursday, December 30, 2010

Easy French Manicure Trick

Thought I'd share some manicure tricks I've picked up. Here's how to create the perfect french manicure, two ways, without the use of a sticker or stencil. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fun with Make Up

Make up is fun, and I often find myself in front of my mirror playing around. This is what happened tonight...

I was aiming for new years, and came up with space age drag style? WTF. I still like it tho! ha-ha! What do you think?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Household Beauty Items; Myths and Truths - Vaseline

Your mother and grandmothers and maybe even farther back have been using Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly as a beauty product for years, but like most things used long long ago, our outlook and knowledge has changed. I'm going to go over a few myths and truths about Vaseline you may not know.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World Aids Day - December 1st

Hey everyone, so I made this big long video talking about Make Up For Ever and what I thought of the brand as a whole and my damn video's audio is all messed up, that drives me nuts, so I'm not going to be putting that up.

Instead I wanted to talk about how today is world aids day. Becoming more aware of the disease is a HUGE step in direction for a cure. HIV and AIDS can effect anyone, no matter age, race, gender, sexual orientation or where they live.

Purchase a MAC Viva Glam lipstick (the colours rock!!), donate to a local charity, or volunteer your time.

AIDS in Canada

  • An estimated 58,000 people had HIV/AIDS in 2006.
  • Every two hours, someone in the country becomes infected with HIV.
  • More than 27 per cent of infected people don't know they have HIV.
  • Women now account for one-fifth of people with HIV/AIDS, up from one-10th in 1995.
Protect yourself, get tested if you're sexually active, and be aware. 

MAC Aids Fund
World Aids Day

This post contains external links for your convenience and knowledge only, I am not affiliate with either of the companies or organizations.